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Was it worth the price? This is quite a sad downfall
Through thick and thin we've struggled through our suffering as a community and in that Battlement of the evening i will be the only one
Hey Soggy! I've been trying to join the group chat, but the fucking Steam client is not letting me in the chat room. It just won't open. Like a completely non-functional button. I have done it on multiple computers and on browser, updated the client and I even tried the app, still no, and I am at my wits end. I sent you a friend request. I don't know how to get any of this shit to work and I'm a boomer. So if you see someone being weird trying to join the group/friend you, it's me. (Obviously under a different name.) Sorry.
Who are you?
The idiot that was shaming soggy for wanting to shill his steam group. THAT asshole
I'm getting sick of /bp/ man
You are the one trying to prevent him from getting banned for rule 3?
I take it back and he was right. Someone linked /g/ on a /bp/ post and I got throttled before I could make any posts in the general. And then I find out the thread is 404'd. I check bans and o6eb 'nished ALL of you from /g/. What a faggot
Biggest reason I was rulecucking is that it's unwritten that you network independently of the sharty and I thought it wouldn't get worse. But it did. Fucking jannies got rid of ID's AND the ability to delete replies as OP. AND it was o6eb who did it.
Will they forget about this GET and move on or will they be eternally mad with anger?
I don't know. I saw someone say in the kiwifarms sharty thread that the 10M S4S GET was Cobson, and that was the event that turned soyjaks around from a dying meme to having a resurgence. It was also what caused Swaglord to have a year-long crusade against soy posters. History repeats or something. It's page 1098 by C L E O if you want to see it yourself. So I don't know how long/far-reaching/impacting the GET is other than ALL the gloves have come off in dealing with us.
I could've prevented that get from happening...
Yeah well same, most of us could've abstained from that thread and now we're in the "fuck my shit up things are getting wild" timeline. Oh well.
Keep in mind that this is the Biggest GET in Sharty history. They won't turn that digit over to a 2 in YEARS. 100 Million GET? Who knows if the 'ty will even be around because that's way too far away in the future. I bet they ('teens) are shook to their core and they don't know what to do if they're really superstitious about it. That's why we've been made an exception for upholding ANY standard and that's why they're fine with changing it to a NSFW board and spamming it incessantly. To me it reveals their true character. I guess I did want the world to see their hypocrisy for what it really is... I just don't know what the long-term impacts will be. I only wish I could articulate the full extent of the façade better
It is quite sad to see its downfall will we ever rise again? Or is it an impossibility?
I'd rather focus on if the board survives another week, then month, then working on reverting the /nate/ rule and getting ID's, hourly limits, OP deleting replies back. Only in that order and anything else is just not in tune with reality. We hold something over them that they'll never match now and that's why they're doing everything they can and try to match it, with humiliation, spam, extremely hypocritical rulecucking that goes against the values of the userbase & sharty as a whole, whatever. It won't change the fact we got the GET and that's what's driving them crazy. It's pure, distilled, concentrated leakage. Farming GETS on a derelict board with no competition will never match us getting it in /soy/ where everyone was competing for it. It's /uni/ and /dem/ spam all over again but with a twist. So don't let the volume affect you as it's just worthless compared to how much /soy/'s GETS are valued.
IDK about anyone else, but I'm getting tired of the emotional rollercoaster and the dubious question of forming a stable board identity with maybe... 10 routine posters if being optimistic? If even a small handful of people take a break or leave like in January when Soggy, W7 & MM weren't present and we're under siege from even one deranged weirdo... it puts a lot of stress on the board even with all the anti-raid handicaps mods used to have in place and we were also dependent on if Janny acts on the reports in that moment. /bp/ is not a "cultural phenomenon", /anthro/ when all these nufurGODS joined in that instance was probably the best bet for gaining true momentum and relevance compared to /bp/ which was just for all the stubborn furfags who wouldn't change to stop clogging up storage on /g/ and finally get a containment board. Big difference and with much more burnout compared to /anthro/ when the initial defeat happened many people who were hopeful never returned. /ta/ was just a fucking drag. I'm reminded of when /ta/ got nuked and I had just spent a rigorous all-nighter making 'toss trying to will the board into existence when most people already gave up, and then waking up after sleeping through the last moments of the board and find out all that effort meant nothing. I can't keep doing these games repeatedly and have all that effort come back into nothing. A comeback now will likely be harder than ever before and now the mod that made the board and shielded us is the one wanting to destroy it it won't be easy. Frankly I'd rather spread my weight around instead of rely on one thing and that's why I'm not married to /bp/ anymore, nor am I to the sharty after too much of their hypocrisy has shown itself. Maybe this whole thing will cause unrest and make things fall apart at the seams? Unlikely but I still see people giving praise in the /soy/ GET thread. But I don't want to be a pawn in all this anymore and I'd like to be able to more comfortably make OC as well and not be required to be anon in order to not have all the obsessed people that hate us to try and single me out or worse like what they might do with Soggy and Lys. /bp/ never felt safe. There were 4cuck boards/threads revolving around art and the bigger fear there was some silent 'corder stealing ideas. On /bp/ and others it was more of an everpresent danger sort of fear. Always needing the option to fade into anonymity lest people REALLY come after me if I fuck up or piss them off (Lys admitted to getting the GET). /bp/ was barely-populated, it never had a stable culture, only a proof of concept and people living out a pilot program. And it was a terrible foster for creativity even as someone who mostly likes making 'toss over drawings (I made the "property of the furry fandom" thing for /ta/ and I just spammed it at the start of /bp/ and IDK how it caught on). I mostly wanted serious furry-centric discussions like what sometimes happened in /trash/ but they never materialized on /bp/. Maybe that's my fault for not for not being the change I wanted to see but that was my vision on how to shift the furry fandom in a direction away from were it currently is.
I know this is more of a long-winded post-mortem over a simple answer but the hard thing is that it's too multifaceted and there was a lot of things I wanted to happen which likely wouldn't even if we didn't steal it. I could imagine gradually very similar if less extreme things would eventually be done to /bp/ just to engineer a happening from the staff when they knew it wasn't going to be anything other than be a boogeyman that made nusois mad. To say I'm disillusioned is an understatement. Maybe I'll do some more trolling and baiting with what little I can do. I'm not banking on pure hope and that's why I'm here making an ass out of myself because I can't use Steam instead of obsessively shitposting earning a "fell for it again award" for the fourth time LOL
Looks like the frogGODS are having a field day and no amount of copium will change the lost GET. Someone said it would be 40 years before 100 million. GEEEGGGGGGG
Why can't they just rollback the GET?
iDK that would probably make them acknowledge that they didn't deserve the GET and make them more sensitive over it
What would you do if you became Sharty Admin?
Meh, IDC really. Anyone not a /dem/troon will likely have an original opinion on policy anyway
Oh, hi Goot

If you are unable to join, you probably have a limited account. Giving Steam $5 removes this limit.
If that is not the case, link your Steam profile here, and I will add you and attempt to directly invite you into the group.
Nah I'm in now, turns out Steam has a separate client for friends & chat and I wasn't signed into it. AND OF COURSE, searching online for solutions didn't tell me anything about it!
Okay they made their own site now, /soy/ knows about it so there's no more need to be covert with it. Most of us are there, no need to use the steam group if you don't want to